The Singer Baker Lane Estate Cool Climate Syrah Project

The Singer Baker Lane Estate Cool Climate Syrah Project

In the world of wine (as in other realms where aesthetics and commerce converge), there are many descriptive terms and catchphrases that gain traction. Instead of providing clarification, though, sometimes these expressions themselves are much subject to interpretation. As examples, consider the following: Is that ‘spicy’ salsa going to be equally spicy to every eater?…

2023 Harvest Journal at Singer Baker Lane Estate

2023 Harvest Journal at Singer Baker Lane Estate

When collecting my thoughts on this year’s harvest, atypically the entirety of the growing season necessarily figures in to the narrative. In other words, unlike the previous 20 years when historical weather patterns generally pertained, things were pretty much turned on their ear from March through October. Unsurprisingly, this year’s agricultural campaign was in turn…

Here’s a Thought

Here’s a Thought

Actually, it’s more appropriate to call it a thought experiment. It explores the notion of a pro-active initiative against the tragically bifurcated character of the American body politic. Its quest would be to create a progressive counter weight to the culture (and public policy) war being waged by the political right. It would be rooted…

Whither Côte-Rôtie

Whither Côte-Rôtie

With these essays, my attention now turns to Côte-Rôtie, the esteemed Syrah zone in the northern Rhone Valley. I’m not a wine historian, nor do I suffer the delusion that we are producing Côte-Rôtie from our Estate vines; that only happens much closer to Ampuis than where Baker Lane is situated. These musings reflect on…

Priorities of Taste

Priorities of Taste

I’ve always regarded polemic as dreary and uninspired rhetorical practice. Perhaps it’s evidence of a pollyanna streak, but asserting a point of view driven by positives rather than one freighted with refutation feels most natural. Thus in sharing reflections on what I regard (at least partially) as a vinous generational divide, I’m trying to avoid…

A Season’s Transition

A Season’s Transition

When winter recedes in Northern California, the anticipation that is hardwired into spring’s warmer days and the onset of budbreak has always been accompanied by a practice of reflection and critical thinking. While memories remain vivid, and wines and oils are still resting in barrel or bottle, a new growing campaign at Singer Wine is necessarily a…